Services and More Information

This section tells you about services that may help in your situation. It also lists useful publications and websites. See also Legal Help.


Indigenous community legal workers
250-748-1160 (Duncan)
250-741-5529 (Nanaimo)

Indigenous community legal workers are Legal Aid BC staff available in Duncan and Nanaimo who can give legal information and limited advice on a number of matters, including family and child protection law.

Access Pro Bono Society of British Columbia
604-878-7400 (Greater Vancouver)
1-877-762-6664 (elsewhere in BC)

If you can’t afford a lawyer or can’t get legal aid, you can talk to a lawyer for free at legal clinics in many locations around BC.

Affiliation of Multicultural Society and Services Agencies of BC (AMSSA)
604-718-2780 (Greater Vancouver)
1-888-355-5560 (elsewhere in BC)

This organization provides information about agencies that serve immigrants (newcomers) to Canada.

211 (call or text 24 hours every day)

BC211 is an information and referral service. You can call or text the free, confidential help line, available in many languages in Greater Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Squamish-Lillooet, and Sunshine Coast Regional Districts.

Children Who Witness Abuse Counselling Programs

These programs counsel children ages three to 18 who have witnessed violence in their home.

Delegated Aboriginal agencies

If you’re an Indigenous parent or a non-Indigenous parent of an Indigenous child who needs protection services, you may work with a delegated Aboriginal agency instead of the Director of Child Protection. These agencies have an agreement with the ministry to provide certain child protection services to Indigenous communities. Your band office or government agent office in your community has the name of the delegated Aboriginal agency in your area. You can also check a full list of delegated Aboriginal agencies on the above BC government website. Ask at your local library or friendship centre for help to view the list.

Or call the numbers below to find out if your band or community is involved.

Métis Family Services (Surrey)

Society for Children and Youth of BC, Child and Youth Legal Centre
778-657-5544 (Greater Vancouver)
1-877-462-0037 (elsewhere in BC)

Surrounded by Cedar Child and Family Services
250-383-2990 (Victoria)
1-855-383-2990 (elsewhere in BC)

Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society
604-872-6723 (Greater Vancouver)
1-877-982-2377 (elsewhere in BC)

Family justice counsellors
604-660-2421 (Greater Vancouver)
250-387-6121 (Victoria)
1-800-663-7867 (elsewhere in BC)

Counsellors specially trained to help families with child custody, guardianship, access, and support issues are available at Family Justice Centres across BC and at the Abbotsford, Nanaimo, Surrey, Vancouver, and Victoria Justice Access Centres. Call Service BC at the above numbers and ask to be connected to the centre in your area.

Family advice lawyers 

Legal Aid BC provides free legal advice to parents with low incomes who are working with a family law advice lawyer to try and reach an agreement in a separation or divorce.

Family duty counsel

For legal help with simple family matters, you can meet with lawyers for free in most Provincial (Family) Courts. To find out when family duty counsel is at your court, call your local courthouse or see the Legal Aid BC website.

Family LawLINE
(Greater Vancouver)
1-866-577-2525 (elsewhere in BC)

You can get free legal advice over the phone from a legal aid family lawyer. Family LawLINE lawyers give brief next step” advice about parenting arrangements, parenting time, contact with a child, guardianship, child and spousal support, property division, family agreements, adoption, and court procedures to callers who don’t qualify for other services. An intake worker asks you questions about your financial situation and legal issue. If you qualify, you’re transferred to an available Family LawLINE lawyer.

Federation of Aboriginal Foster Parents
604-858-0113 (Greater Vancouver)
1-800-663-9393 (elsewhere in BC)

This organization provides support and services for Indigenous foster parents. See their website, or call them to learn about becoming a foster parent.

The Law Centre (University of Victoria)

If you live in the Capital Regional District and can’t afford a lawyer, you can get free legal advice, assistance, and representation from The Law Centre in Victoria.

Lawyer Referral Service
604-687-3221 (Greater Vancouver)
1-800-663-1919 (elsewhere in BC)

This service gives you the name and contact information of a local lawyer. You must call the lawyer to ask for a meeting. In this meeting, you briefly describe your issue. Then the lawyer tells you whether they can help you. This service is free for up to 15 minutes. If you need more help, the lawyer can tell you their normal rate for service. Be sure to ask for an estimate of the total fees before you agree to hire the lawyer. You may want to interview more than one lawyer before you choose one to work on your case.

Legal Aid BC
604-408-2172 (Greater Vancouver)
1-866-577-2525 (elsewhere in BC)

See Legal Help for more information about when you can get a legal aid lawyer. To ask for a legal aid lawyer, call the above numbers. Ask for an interpreter if you have trouble speaking or understanding English. If your area has a legal aid location, you can apply in person. See the Legal Aid BC website for locations to apply for legal aid.

Ministry of Children and Family Development
604-660-2421 (Greater Vancouver)
250-387-6121 (Victoria)
1-800-663-7867 (elsewhere in BC)
711 (TDD in BC)

Child protection services and a number of delegated Aboriginal agencies are provided through ministry offices across BC. Call Service BC at the above numbers and ask to be connected to the office in your area.

Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of BC
604-985-5355 (Greater Vancouver)
1-877-811-1190 (elsewhere in BC)

If you’re Indigenous, this association may be able to help you get legal information and a lawyer. They can also tell you about any delegated Aboriginal agencies in your area.

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for BC
604-660-2421 (Greater Vancouver)
250-387-5629 (Victoria)
1-800-663-7867 (elsewhere in BC)
PO Box 9038, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9A4

You can apply to this office for information about your case if it isn’t in court. Call the above numbers and ask to be connected to the office. It’s best to ask in writing for the information you want, so you can prove you asked for it. Make sure you keep a copy of any letter you send.

Parent Support Services Society of BC
1-877-345-9777 (all services)
1-855-474-9777 (Kinship Care Help Line: support line for grandparents raising grandchildren)

This organization provides information, support, and resources to parents, grandparents, and caregivers. They can also help with your application for the Extended Family Program.

Parents Legal Centres

This Legal Aid BC service is available to help parents in locations across BC who are dealing with child protection issues. To find out if you’re eligible for this service, visit your legal aid location or contact Legal Aid BC.

Representative for Children and Youth
250-356-6710 (Victoria)
1-800-476-3933 (elsewhere in BC)

If you, your child, or anyone else in your family needs help in dealing with the child welfare system, you can contact this independent office of the BC government. The representative can help you to speak on your own behalf, or find an advocate to help you when you meet with social workers. The representative serves all BC children and youth from birth to 19, especially children in government care, foster homes, group homes, or youth custody.

Rise Women’s Legal Centre
236-317-9000 (clients and potential clients)
604-451-7447 (general inquiries: Vancouver)

This community legal centre for self-identifying women gives up to three hours of free legal advice. After that, they may charge you on a sliding scale from $25 to $100 an hour if your income is over their maximum limit.

Service BC
604-660-2421 (Greater Vancouver)
250-387-6121 (Victoria)
1-800-663-7867 (elsewhere in BC)
711 (TDD in BC)

The BC government provides many services online, by phone, and at Service Centres throughout BC.

Community Legal Clinic (Thompson Rivers University)
778-471-8490 (Kamloops)

Thompson Rivers University law students give free legal help at the clinic in Kamloops for people who can’t afford a lawyer. Call the above number for an appointment.

Indigenous Community Legal Clinic (University of British Columbia)
604-822-5421 (Greater Vancouver)
1-888-684-7874 (elsewhere in BC)

University of BC law students give free legal help to Indigenous people who can’t afford a lawyer.

Law Students’ Legal Advice Program (University of British Columbia)
(Chinese language appointment)

University of BC law students run free legal advice clinics in Greater Vancouver for people who can’t afford a lawyer. Call the above numbers for an appointment.

Vancouver Aboriginal Health Society

This organization delivers medical, counselling, and social services, with an emphasis on providing care to the Indigenous community. All programs are free for people living in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

1-800-563-0808 (call or text 24 hours every day)
711 (TDD BC)

If you or members of your family are being abused in any way, you can call or text this free help line. Staff give information about crimes of violence, including sexual assault, violence in a relationship, elder abuse, and adults surviving physical or sexual abuse. They tell you about victim services in your community, such as transition houses and counselling. They can also explain about the court system, government laws and programs, crime prevention, safety planning, the Protection Order Registry, and other resources. VictimLinkBC gives information in more than 110 languages, including 17 North American Indigenous languages.


Aboriginal Legal Aid in BC

This Legal Aid BC website has information and videos about legal issues important to Indigenous people. Information includes what to do if your child goes into foster care, First Nations/​Indigenous Courts, and how to get help from Parents Legal Centres and other services.


Many legal organizations provide information to this website that educates British Columbians about the law and helps solve their legal problems.

Family Law in BC

This Legal Aid BC website has step-by-step family law guides and information about child protection.

National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence

This website has information about programs and services to help reduce family violence in Indigenous communities.


This website has information about anti-poverty issues and where to find an advocate in your area.


If you’re a victim of crime, or witnessed a crime in BC, this website can help you.

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