Call 911 right away. (If your community doesn’t have 911 service, call your local police emergency phone number.) Remember that the police can enforce all peace bonds. Explain that you have a peace bond and that the person named in the peace bond isn’t obeying its conditions.
It’s a crime to not obey the terms of a peace bond. In most cases, particularly if you’re in danger, the police will arrest your partner and ask Crown counsel to charge them with a criminal offence for breaching peace bond. If your partner is found guilty of not obeying the terms of the peace bond, they’ll have a criminal conviction on their record and may be:
- put on probation,
- fined up to $5,000, and/or
- ordered to serve time in jail for up to two years.
The judge will choose the punishment based on the details of the case and whether your partner has a criminal record and a history of not obeying court orders. Unless the circumstances are very serious or your partner has a history of not obeying court orders, the judge won’t usually order the maximum sentence.