What resources are available to help Afghan refugees? 

The Legal Aid in BC (LABC) website lists immigration-related Q&As that we’ll continue to update. People with family in Afghanistan can email their questions to info@legalaid.bc.ca and we’ll add the Q&A to the website. We’ll also send out Facebook posts or tweets on X (formerly Twitter) with updated information. (See also our comprehensive refugee resources list.)

We have multilingual resources to help refugee claimants.

This resource has a hardcopy cover

Legal Aid Can Help You

Explains what legal aid is, how to apply, and how it can help you

View resource

The Canadian Council for Refugees has a one-pager on the most recent information about programs on resettlement, family reunification, and the situation of refugee claims.

See also the BC CHARMS Refugee Claimant Navigation website to connect with a settlement worker, and to find other resources and services to help you.

You can contact Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

  • Canadians and permanent residents in need of consular assistance in Afghanistan: 1-613-996-8885 or sos@international.gc.ca
  • Immigration program for Afghans who assisted the Government of Canada: 1-613-321-4243 or Canada-Afghanistan@international.gc.ca
  • Reuniting Afghan nationals with their families in Canada or Humanitarian program to resettle Afghans outside of Afghanistan: 1-613-321-4243 or IRCC.SituationAfghanistan.IRCC@cic.gc.ca
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